Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tres Leches

I made it to the gym today despite residual soreness from Saturday's race (which I will discuss in length later). I probably should have taken another day off to rest my feet, but I couldn't. Despite conventional wisdom that excessive exercise should be followed up with healing time, yesterday I did something that forced me to throw that conventional wisdom to the curb.

As I contemplated my first actual entry into this fitness journal, I had an epiphany. Honesty. The ups AND DOWNS of my struggle to remain fit. Let me tell you...there are as many downs as ups. Yesterday was a down day, but today was a new day and a fresh day for success.

I love being rewarded for my successes. I don't know if its the mental mindset of receiving gifts on your birthday for doing nothing other than living or receiving a lollipop at the end of a doctors visit, but I know that whenever I have a success, I reward myself with food. Yesterday was no different. Sunday I rightfully gorged myself on everything that I touched in an effort to replenish my body with all the nutrients it lost during the race. Yesteray, however, there was no excuse....

I decided to go to Sam's Club (insert Costco, but Logan is too small for both) with the intention of getting dish soap and knowing that some walking would help the soreness and cramping in my legs. I managed to walk all the way to the back of the warehouse, you know, to stretch my sore legs. And would you believe it, I ended up in the bakery section. I have been to Sam's Club thousands of times and every time the bakery has been in the same place. But today, I was led to it.

And there it was. There was only one of them. It's name: Tres Leches. Now for anyone who does not know what Tres Leches is, let me describe it. Heavenly. It is the embodiment of all that is good in this world...cake and milk. I'm not usually a milk drinker, but some foods need milk to be fully enjoyed: doughnuts, cookies, etc. Wait a minute, did I just see gourmet cookies? Better get those too. That's right, not only did I get a Tres Leches cake, I also bought a dozen gourmet chocolate chip cookies. Dammit Sam's Club, you got me again.

I got home and cut a very large slice of the moist cake and realized that perhaps its milky goodness could be maximized with a cookie chaser. So, there it was on my plate, a quarter of a cake and a chocolate chip cookie. Within 5 minutes my plate was empty and I was planning when to eat my next piece. My whole day revolved around that cake. I was like a shark feeding on baby seals during their mating season. I contemplated...I conspired...I consumed half of that cake and a total of 4 cookies.

Yep, yesterday was a down day...but today was a new day and a fresh day for success.

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