Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How I Got Here

Ok, Saturday I finished my 4th marathon and had so much to say about the experience that I decided I needed a forum for discussion. I do not suppose that anyone would want to subscribe to this blog, however, I wanted to create a place that people could read about an average joe struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And with my daily struggles gain insight and inspiration to achieve personal success for themselves.

Anyone who knew me growing up would have bet against me ever being fit, let alone a marathon runner. I was the fat kid in school. Each school had one. And I was it. Every school year I would return to class having dieted all summer long. The "congratulations" would last for a few days, until I would start the weight gain process - until I had gained all the weight back plus 20 additional pounds. My first diet was in kindergarted. I stopped dieting at the age of 27.

On September 12, 2001 - the day after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center - I took a mental and physical inventory and figured it out. I weighed 331 lbs and smoked a pack and a half a day. I was in the worst shape of my life. I asked myself...If I had died yesterday, what would I have to show for for my life?...would I have died happy?. I coughed up a little Marlboro glob and realized...I needed to be better.

Here's what I figured out...despite any number of childhood traumas (and there were many)...I am the reason I am who I am and the way that I am. I have allowed myself to be this way.

My hypothesis is: If I accept responsibility for my past and accept the responsibility for my future, I can do and acheive all those things that were never within reach.

This blog will be the documented journal of my hypothesis in action. I CAN do and acheive anything I want as long as I take responsibility for my actions.

I will document my research, experience, products, training, racing...everything that I encounter on my daily struggle to stay fit. Because Right "Now I'm Fit".

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